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Community, hospital partnerships

American Hospital Association

Doctor giving woman a shot, with girl sitting next to woman

The American Hospital Association wanted to better tell the story of hospitals and their role in creating healthier communities, especially outside of hospital walls. Spitfire created a digital communication plan to raise AHA and its members’ voices and increase engagement with its communities. As a result, AHA strengthened the reputation of member hospitals and increased awareness about their important role in their communities.

Spitfire first helped AHA dig into the values and drivers of its audiences and then wrote messaging tailored to persuade them. After conducting a digital audit of AHA’s Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts, Spitfire developed specific tactics, including a social media advertising strategy, to increase its engagement and reach to connect with its audiences.

Once plan implementation was underway, Spitfire tracked the growth of AHA’s followers, audience engagement and content performance using a combination of social listening tools and the built-in analytics of each platform. The Spitfire team also reviewed AHA’s web analytics to measure traffic to its website. We used the data to make weekly adjustments to our content plans. Using these metrics and content testing, we helped AHA share information about hospitals’ contributions to their communities. For example, during National Hospital Week and National Nurses Week, the AHA reached nearly 10 million people through its #HospitalWeek campaign.

Spitfire services employed

Digital strategy

Ethical storytelling / visual storytelling

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Issues Covered

Health and wellness