Spitfire joined forces with the Hopelab team in 2022 to develop three core stories that would help convey Hopelab’s breadth of work, showcase the diverse voices of its community, and report on the early signals of success and learning emerging from its new theory of change. For two decades, the nonprofit social innovation lab Hopelab successfully developed digital health products for young people. However, in 2020, Hopelab decided to expand its approach: investing not only in its own products but in like-minded entrepreneurs, thought leaders and innovators. It was eager to share the early impact stories emerging from this shift, but these stories needed to be different from the ones the organization had shared before.

Spitfire worked with Hopelab to surface the stories that embodied the organization’s new approach and captured them through a series of interviews with Hopelab staff, youth interns, partners, researchers and entrepreneurs whom the organization invested in through its venture portfolio. Through creative sessions with the Hopelab team, Spitfire also developed an overarching narrative to unite the story series and connect back to Hopelab’s values. Teaming up with designer Corey Grant of Green Vegan Media, Spitfire translated Hopelab’s impact stories into an interactive and visually engaging landing page where users could explore each story, learn more about Hopelab’s work and explore ways to join the organization’s “flock.”

Once the storytelling was complete, Spitfire joined Hopelab’s retreat to lead a storytelling training for its staff and help Hopelab team members unearth and share their own stories. This training helped staff understand their role in telling Hopelab’s origin story and the significance stories play in effecting the change we all work toward.