Leaders Igniting Transformation (LIT) is the political home for Black and brown youth in Wisconsin, a major battleground state. Recognizing that young voters would have an outsized impact on the 2020 Election, LIT tapped Spitfire to help build the media capacity of its staff and members so they could center the voices of young people and the issues they care about in coverage about the state and federal elections. Ever since, Spitfire has provided day-to-day support to build the communication capacity of LIT’s team. Our work includes helping LIT’s staff and members respond to media requests, helping to suss out whether opportunities are a good fit based on their goals, coordinating with reporters and drafting talking points to help spokespeople stay on message. We also provide one-on-one coaching with their team and members before interviews to ensure they feel comfortable and confident representing LIT. Our support has led to meaningful coverage in Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, WUWM (NPR), Wisconsin Examiner, Fox6 Milwaukee and other Wisconsin outlets. We have also drafted and pitched op-eds on timely topics on behalf of LIT’s executive directors, Amanda Avalos and Cendi Tena. Most recently, we secured a piece in the Wisconsin Examiner about the importance of listening to young people in decisions about programs and policies that affect their lives. 

We also helped LIT draft all new content for a new website that will launch later this year, emphasizing ways that different audiences can get engaged in their work ahead of a major U.S. election. Lastly, we provide ongoing capacity building trainings for their team on topics ranging from strategic media engagement, opposition messaging and crafting an elevator pitch.