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Smart Chart 4.0

  • Develop a foolproof communication plan
  • Identify the right audiences 
  • Measure your success

Discovering the Activation Point

  • Bridge the gap between awareness and action 
  • Identify the right audiences
  • Motivate audiences to action

Living in a Digital World

  • Identify the right digital platforms for your audience
  • Strengthen your digital outreach using analytics
  • Develop a strong digital strategy

Planning to Win

  • Devise a successful campaign plan
  • Increase visibility and support for your issue
  • Assess the best route to reach your goals

Strategic Storytelling

  • Develop resonating stories
  • Cultivate a storytelling culture 
  • Deliver motivating stories with your audience

Elevator Pitch: What’s Your Spiel?

  • Discover the components of a great pitch
  • Tailor your pitch to the right audience
  • Practice your pitch (it’s not as scary as it sounds)

Policymaker Outreach

  • Understand best practices
  • Amplify your outreach strategies
  • Learn how to effectively share information with policymakers

Effective Media Engagement

  • Learn how to cut through the noise
  • Discover best practices for building relationships with reporters
  • Craft a winning pitch

Spokesperson and On-Camera Training

  • Develop a strong sound bite
  • Learn how to respond to difficult questions
  • Build skills to stay on message
Kristen Grimm training at Spitfire.

Executive training

Spitfire’s Executive Training Program (ETP) is an annual, 8-month learning cohort designed to help nonprofit executives at all levels – from experienced directors to new leaders – gain the communication skills and strategy they need to lead their organization and issue. Participants gain useful skills needed to articulate visions effectively, make smart communication decisions, inspire action and drive meaningful change at their own organizations and across the progressive field.

Work we love

We customize Spitfire learning experiences for your individual needs. This may include a two-hour online session, multi-day event or year-long academy. You may seek coaching to support a coalition or group or grantees. Or you might be looking for a facilitator experienced at engaging participants and moving toward group outcomes. Let us know how we can create a tailored learning experience for you and your colleagues. And if you want to jumpstart your thinking, check out the tools and guides Spitfire shares with folks who join us in working to make the world a better place.

Mel M

Building skill

We understand the challenges that nonprofits face when trying to move the needle on important social issues. Our superpower lies in transmitting that hard-earned knowledge in an engaging way and helping organizations use those lessons to drive change. We distill years of experience helping foundations and nonprofits into lessons and guidance that others can learn in order to promote the change they want to see in the world.