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COAL + ICE: Overcoming Barriers to Spark Climate Action
“One of the key messages that comes out very strongly from the [IPCC] report is that we are already seeing the consequences of 1°C of global warming through more extreme weather, rising sea levels and diminishing Arctic sea ice, among other changes,” said Panmao Zhai, Co-Chair of...
Post-Election Tune Up: Start planning your response now
Spitfire Spotlight: Michael Ramsey, Haley McKey and the environment
Michael Ramsey and Haley McKey have a lot in common. Not only did they recently join the team at Spitfire as Senior Account Executives, but they’re also both passionate about the environment. But for all they have in common, Michael and Haley each bring their own unique...
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Throwback Thursday: Thinking Through Communication Conundrums
Spitfire Spotlight: Dennis Poplin
Challenge stereotypes…and other lessons from the immigration fight
The Trump administration’s rhetoric and policies around immigration, including the now-revoked “zero-tolerance” policy, have reawakened calls for immigration reform. In recent months, the photos and cries of children in cages have inspired Americans to flood the streets in...
Shaping the next generation of social impact communicators
Five Lessons Learned from Reclaim Your Vote
Voter intimidation is nothing new, but people have been hearing President Trump’s false allegations of widespread voter fraud — often laced with racially coded language connecting voter fraud to urban and immigrant communities — since his 2016 campaign. The launch of the...
Five Lessons from the Digital Muslim Ban
The Trump administration’s relentless assault against immigrants suffered a blow in May, thanks to the tireless work of a coalition of digital civil rights advocates—and Spitfire was honored to support them. In the summer of 2017, on the heels of President Trump’s draconian...
Amplifying the power of youth movements
Putting the Thought into Thought Leadership
How to Use Psychographics for Good
Data is inherently neutral. How you obtain data and what you do with it is what makes it good or evil. That’s at the center of the recent firestorm with Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, the data analytics firm founded by Steve Bannon and Republican megadonor, Robert Mercer. On...