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Women for office


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Spitfire partnered with VoteRunLead, the largest and most diverse campaign training program in the U.S., to galvanize, train and support women to run for office. With more than 80 percent of VoteRunLead’s first-time candidates winning their 2018 primary elections, VoteRunLead turned to Spitfire to build on its momentum and turn the “Pink Wave” into an ocean.

Spitfire acted quickly to scale VoteRunLead’s efforts. We provided extensive media relations support, geared at building VoteRunLead’s profile and honing its brand to stand out from peers and competitors. Through strategic media outreach and relationship building, Spitfire secured vast coverage, including writing and placing op-eds in the Hill and Ms. Magazine and coverage in Elle Magazine, Mediaite, Refinery29 and on ABC and the “Pantsuit Politics” podcast. We also cultivated ongoing relationships with Politico, The New York Times, The Washington Post and Glamour Magazine. 

Spitfire honed VoteRunLead’s branding and messaging to cut through the political noise, articulate intersectional values and equip a pipeline of alumni to serve as spokespeople for the organization. We provided guidelines for creating a digital community in which VoteRunLead can better engage its audiences and move them along a ladder of engagement, from supporters to evangelizers. Our digital support resulted in 23,000 views on the Facebook livestream, more than 37,000 organic impressions and a gain of 210 followers on Twitter in just one day.

Spitfire services employed


Media relations / media strategy

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Gender equity